Sunday, December 9

Elite: Dangerous

For gamers and nerds in general Kickstarter is a amazing, most of the big projects thus far have been either technology or cool games. I'm pretty sure we could all say we had daft ideas in the past of little gadgets or ideas for games. I, myself, am brimming with "good" "ideas" about a medieval fantasy game. But whatever your inclination, the thing that nerds like to do the most is to imagine and to dream. Kickstarter is a medium through which these ideas take shape and become products. We have already seen amazing projects come from Kickstarter, Ouya is one example, and there are many more. One which is close to my heart (for perhaps selfish reasons) is Elite: Dangerous. A game by David Braben (of Jesus college (YAAYY BEST ALUMNUS EVER!!!)) from a studio based in Cambridge. Yeah, I am very biased towards it but this guy is a legend. Just look up Elite on Wikpedia, its beauty can be appreciated by anyone. A game which fitted on 22k of memory, was sandbox before the word was coined, and had a massive universe (the same tech that now powers the infinite Minecraft world). It even had some self-modifying code in it, it was pioneering and defined a genre. So check out the remake, see what you think: (click here to see the kickstarter page)

Day 5

On the fifth day we mostly messed about and got fuck all done. So here's some pictures of the progress on the dwarven city.
Dwarven mountain
Dwarven mountain at night

Dwarven mountain openning
This looks inviting

Dwarven staircase
The good old days before health and safety

Dwarven Arch
Ohhh what could be through this ominous arch?

Dwarven underground city
Large underground dwarven city

Dwarven underground city
Gratuitous lava

Dwarven underground city
Gossiping dwarves

Dwarven underground bank
The bank, as we all know, dwarves invented banks

Dwarven underground market
Minecart system and market
Dwarven underground bank
A less moody view of the whole city

Saturday, December 8

Day 4 (ish)

So basically, the 4 kinda went off and did their own thing. I'm not sure what the others did but I went off to study at Hogwarts. When we all temporarily came back from our adventures, I decided that Minecraft would be a jolly good idea. As it happens, Martin had been busy building pretty much everything. I guess it isn't really day 4 but it is in this world. This isn't 6 literal days of creation, who do you think we are?

Medieval human city
Entering Shorehaven, the most mainest city in all the world

Fountain in city square
Fountain (Where are all the people at?)

Medieval high street
Where it all happens, the pub, the blacksmith and the drug shop (Everyone must be in the boozer)

Medieval houses
ohhhh pretty houses, where the posh people live

Medieval houses
More posh houses, and another fountain, they liked fountains didn't they...

Medieval Docks
Where the smelly peasants live

Arial view of medieval human city
That's impressive I hear you say *nudge*

Arial view of medieval human city at night
Awwwww, moody

Saturday, July 28

Day 3

Minecraft palace
Our imported palace, snow and all.

Minecraft palace gardens
The actual palace, this is where we live bitches, what've you got hater? You aint got a glass f%@#ing roof!

Minecraft palace
The royal road, just to make commoners feel small and insignificant

Minecraft boat
The back of an unfinished boat, you may have guessed already that we don't like finishing things off

Mooshrooms in boat
Blitz's contribution for today
It turns out that filling in gravel roads and arguing about brick colour gets boring real quick, not much done today. Tomorrow we will try and install some mods, speed things up a bit before Dusty shoves a cactus up his arse.

Friday, July 27

Day 2

And on the second day, Dusty and Enzo had planned to finish off the city and boat but got distracted with the idea of a Dwarven city. But anyway, they thought it was good, if not unfinished and another thing to add to the list. It's difficult being mortal.

minecraft dwarven mountain
The front of the Dwarven Mountain, now with giant dwarf head
minecraft double helix minecart
The double helix minecart, 140 blocks of pure nausea

The beginnings of a dwarven underground city

dwarven market

minecraft waterfall
The backside of the mountain, with a lovely waterfall
Stay tuned for boats and hoes

Thursday, July 26

Day 1

mysterious path
Ohhh what's this, looks ruddy mysterious. And I see you creeper

minecraft wizards tower
What a strange building! Probably troll science
minecraft wizards tower inside
 Oh bookshelves, with bestsellers such as "The Wizard Games" and "Fifty Shades of Sparkly Spells" 
minecraft wizards tower inside
Every discerning wizard needs an enchanting table and mysterious stone blocks 
mysterious detour
An even more mysterious detour 

minecraft magical pool
A wizards pool, an absolute necessity for any good wizard tower. I think the pool fairies are talking to me, apparently I'm a Wizard, who knew.

minecraft wizards towers
A lovely aerial view

To revive our Quadstream project we have decided to make some Minecraft goodness in the form of a medieval fantasy world (such a new idea). At the end of the first day, the (ruddy) mysterious wizard tower was the first to be completed. Stay tuned for the completion of our boat, a walk through of our imported palace and the massive inner city.

Monday, February 27

QuadStream Plays - Left For Dead 2 - Versus

One of our favourite games to be raped on, Left 4 Dead 2. I'm not playing here, which would probably explain why they did well. Either way, its a good watch. There's more for each chapter too, just got to wait for Blitz to stop faffing about a post them.