For gamers and nerds in general Kickstarter is a amazing, most of the big projects thus far have been either technology or cool games. I'm pretty sure we could all say we had daft ideas in the past of little gadgets or ideas for games. I, myself, am brimming with "good" "ideas" about a medieval fantasy game. But whatever your inclination, the thing that nerds like to do the most is to imagine and to dream. Kickstarter is a medium through which these ideas take shape and become products. We have already seen amazing projects come from Kickstarter, Ouya is one example, and there are many more. One which is close to my heart (for perhaps selfish reasons) is Elite: Dangerous. A game by David Braben (of Jesus college (YAAYY BEST ALUMNUS EVER!!!)) from a studio based in Cambridge. Yeah, I am very biased towards it but this guy is a legend. Just look up Elite on Wikpedia, its beauty can be appreciated by anyone. A game which fitted on 22k of memory, was sandbox before the word was coined, and had a massive universe (the same tech that now powers the infinite Minecraft world). It even had some self-modifying code in it, it was pioneering and defined a genre. So check out the remake, see what you think: (click here to see the kickstarter page)
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